Franchisor Information

Entity Registered Name

Monkeynastix International (Pty) Ltd


Monkeynastix South Africa (Pty) Ltd

(Master Franchise South Africa)

Entity Registered Number




Dirk Cilliers

Registered Address

17 Crawford Drive, Norscot, 2128, South Africa

Business Address

 17 Crawford Drive, Norscot, 2128, South Africa

Postal Address

Postnet Suite Monkeynastix, Private Bag X033, Rivonia, 2128, Republic of South Africa

Trade name of the Franchise (The franchise brand name)


Trade name of the Franchisor

Monkeynastix International

E-mail Address

Fax number

086 612 5781

Telephone number

(011) 465 8028

Website address

Statement: FASA member

• Monkeynastix is a FASA member, and as such have committed to meet the FASA criteria for Membership.

• As members of FASA, we strictly adhere to the provisions of the FASA Code of Ethics and Business Ethics in our dealings with prospective and current franchisees as well as our business dealings. Please refer to Annexure 1 for the FASA Code of Ethics.

• As a potential franchisee you may wish to purchase FASA’s publication “How to Evaluate a Franchise” and this may assist you in your evaluation.

Statement: Stock Exchange

Monkeynastix is not listed on the stock exchange

If the Franchisor has any other interests e.g. Other franchised brands or interest in the supply of product to franchisees the extent and detail need to be disclosed


Details of any material debt, criminal, civil actions against the Franchisor or any of its directors during the past 5 years

The company does not have any legal debts, it is not involved in any criminal, civil or administrative proceedings, nor is it bankrupt or insolvent. Further, this position is valid for at least the past ten years.